HR Expert, Executive & Career Coach

Hi! I’m Clara, HR Expert, ACC Certified Coach. So Glad You Are Here!

My mission is to help high-performing teams and professionals on their growth to achieve their goals and make their careers a source of joy and accomplishment.

I hold a Master’s Degree in Psychology, by the Universidad de Valencia and Freie Universität Berlin.

I’m a Results-oriented Coach, Certified ACC by the Chicago Chapter of International Coaching Federation / ICF.

I’m also certified in Coaching en Estado Puro by EFIC/ Escuela de formation Integral en Coaching, in Spain. I can coach both in English and Spanish.

In adition, I offer 10+ years of professional HR experience leading key growth initiatives and driving a multicultural approach to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) programs.

Delivering innovative and reliable solutions and strategies that streamline processes and drive personal and professional growth in any environment.

Committed, analytical, and hands-on with a proven track record reflecting proactive leadership experience that inspires motivated professionals to achieve their best. International cultural relationship expert and strategic change agent.

As a coach, I strive to create a space with and for the coachees, where they can listen to themselves to identify and connect with their own reality and what they seek. As a result, coachees arm themselves with new skills and behaviors that make them more successful in achieving their goals.

I work mostly online, via Video Conference, but phone or in person session can be arranged if logistically possible.

If you want to know more about how Coaching can help you, let’s connect!

Coach certificado por ACC por ICF Chicago Chapter, orientada a resultados. También ofrezco más de 10 años de experiencia profesional en RRHH, liderando iniciativas clave de crecimiento e impulsando un enfoque multicultural para los programas de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI).

Ofrezco soluciones y estrategias innovadoras y fiables que agilizan los procesos e impulsan el crecimiento personal y profesional en cualquier entorno.

Comprometida, analítica y práctica, con un historial comprobado que refleja una experiencia de liderazgo proactivo que inspira a profesionales motivados a lograr lo los mejores resultados. Experto en relaciones culturales internacionales y agente de cambio estratégico.

Si quieres saber mas sobre Coaching y como puede ayudarte, hablemos!